Describe the indications for posterior fossa surgery
Manage patients undergoing posterior fossa surgery
The posterior fossa is the deepest cranial fossa
Surrounded by:
Anteriorly: The dorsum sellae and basilar portion of the occipital bone (clivus)
Laterally: The petrosal and mastoid components of the temporal bone
Superiorly: The dural layer (tentorium cerebelli), and posteriorly and
Inferiorly and posteriorly: The occipital bone
Contains many important structures: the brainstem, cerebellum and lower cranial nerves
The cerebrospinal fluid pathway is very narrow through the cerebral aqueduct and any obstruction can cause hydrocephalus which can result in a significant increase in intracranial pressure
Tumors are the most common pathologies of the posterior fossa
Administer high-concentration oxygen, discontinue nitrous oxide, maintain cardiovascular stability, central venous catheter to aspirate air from right atrium, immediate initiation of chest compression in the event of a massive air embolism with cardiac arrest
High-flow oxygen, burr hole and aspiration of air in severe cases
Ensure airway clearance
Avoid this complication by paying close attention to positioning and avoiding prolonged hypotension
Suggested reading
Sandhu K, Gupta N. Chapter 14 – Anesthesia for Posterior Fossa Surgery. In: Prabhakar H, editor. Essentials of Neuroanesthesia: Academic Press; 2017. p. 255-76.
Jagannathan S, Krovvidi H. Anaesthetic considerations for posterior fossa surgery. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain. 2014;14(5):202-6.