NYSORA Nerve Blocks App New Update - New Design and Image Gallery

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NYSORA Nerve Blocks App New Update – New Design and Image Gallery

NYSORA Nerve Blocks App New Update – New Design and Image Gallery

Update your NYSORA Nerve Blocks App and check out the new design and extensive image galleries in every course!

In less than a year since release (May 8, 2020), NYSORA Nerve Blocks App has been established as the most popular and authoritative guide to ultrasound and nerve blocks with over 40,000 downloads (Apple Store and Google Play, combined). It is used by thousands of students of anesthesiology, clinicians and industry for practice guidance and teaching.

NYSORA’s president, Dr. Hadzic, explained that the new update offers an upgraded user interface and revised organization of the content. “We are committed to continue improving this amazing mobile resource that we built with over 20 years experience of transferring knowledge worldwide”. Our earnest educational efforts are recognized by thousands of students and professionals who use the app. For this new update, we listened to our users’ feedback and have developed a new user interface to make it faster, more reliable, and esthetically and functionally stunning.” An enhanced user interface, faster navigation through the content and an extensive gallery of images (reverse anatomy illustrations and animations), makes this new release truly inspirational for every use.”

Check out the video below showing why NYSORA’s Nerve Bloc

[su_vimeo url=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/539116742″]

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