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Adductor / Saphenous Canal Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to perform femoral triangle and adductor canal block for analgesia of the knee
Allows injection practice
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition for adductor canal, saphenous nerve, and needle-eye coordination

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Sartorius muscle; Vastus medialis muscle; Adductors femur; Femoral artery; Femoral vein; Saphenous nerve; Relevant fascial sheats.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Mid and distal thigh; Knee; Quadriceps Femoris muscle; Sartorius Muscle.

How to Use: Adductor / Saphenous Canal Block Simulator

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Femoral Nerve / Fascia Iliaca Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to perform a femoral nerve block, fascia iliaca block & lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Femoral nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve; Fascia ilica; Fascia lata; Iliopsoas muscle; Pectineus muscle; Sartorius muscle; Adductor muscles; Femoral artery; Femoral vein.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Femoral crease; Anterior superior iliac spine; Proximal thigh; Pubic tubercle; Inguinal Ligament.

How to Use: Femoral Nerve / Fascia Iliaca Block Simulator

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Popliteal / IPAC Nerve Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to perform a popliteal, and IPAC blocks.
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition and needle-eye coordination.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Popliteal artery and vein; Common peroneal nerve; Tibial nerve; Semitendinosus muscle; Semimembranosus muscle; Biceps femoris muscle; Distal part of the femur.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Popliteal fossa; Tendon of biceps femoris muscle; Tendon of semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.

How to Use: Popliteal / IPAC Nerve Block Simulator

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Sciatic Transgluteal Ultrasound Simulator

Teaches ultrasound anatomy patterns recognition of gluteal muscles, sciatic nerve, and ischial notch.
Practice intramuscular injections.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Great trochanter; Ischial tuberosity; Sciatic nerve; Gluteus maximus.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Gluteus maximus; Gluteal crease; Femur Trochanter.

How to Use: Sciatic Transgluteal Ultrasound Simulator

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Ankle Block (Tibial, Peroneal, Sural, and Saphenous Nerve) Ultrasound Simulator

Teaches ultrasound anatomy patterns recognition for nerves around the ankle, and needle-eye coordination.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Tibial nerve; Deep peroneal nerve; Sural nerve; Saphenous nerve; Posterior and anterior tibial artery and vein; Tibia; Fibula.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Lateral malleolus; Medial malleolus; Dorsum of the foot.

How to Use: Ankle Block Ultrasound Simulator

Visit MedXPress.Pro to see how NYSORA SIMULATORS™ optimize ultrasound education.