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Axillary Brachial Plexus Nerve Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to perform an axillary block
Allows injection practice
Teaches ultrasound axillary plexus anatomy patterns recognition and needle-eye coordination to safely guide needle insertion into the axillary sheath

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Radial nerve; Ulnar nerve; Median nerve; Musculocutaneous nerve; Axillary artery; Axillary Vein; Biceps muscle; Coracobrachialis muscle.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Axillary fossa; Pectoralis major muscle; Latissimus dorsi muscle; Biceps muscle; Deltoid Muscle.

How to Use: Axillary Brachial Plexus Nerve Block Simulator

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Infraclavicular / PEC Nerve Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates skills acquisition to perform an infraclavicular brachial plexus block and PEC block
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition and needle-eye coordination

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Pectoralis major and minor muscles; Serratus anterior muscle; Axillary artery and vein; Cords of the brachial plexus; Clavicle; Coracoid process; Ribs 1-4; Pleura and chest cavity.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Clavicle; Deltopectoral groove; Pectoralis major muscle; Chest wall; Coracoid process; Shoulder; Deltoid muscle

How to Use: Infraclavicular / PEC Nerve Block Simulator

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Interscalene / Supraclavicular Nerve Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates skills acquisition to perform an interscalene, and supraclavicular brachial plexus block
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition and needle-eye coordination

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Anterior and middle scalene muscles; Sternocleidomastoid muscle; Carotid artery; Internal jugular vein; Subclavian artery; Subclavian vein; Clavicle; Roots of the brachial plexus; First rib.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Sternocleidomastoid muscle; Clavicle; Chest wall; Thyroid notch.

How to Use: Interscalene / Supraclavicular Nerve Block Simulator

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Suprascapular Nerve Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to perform a suprascapular nerve block for analgesia of the shoulder without phrenic nerve paralysis.
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition, and needle-eye coordination.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Clavicle; Scapula; Humerus; Suprascapular nerve; Infraspinatus muscle; Supraspinatus muscle; Suprascapular artery; Trapezius muscle; Circumflex artery.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Scapula; Clavicle.

Visit MedXPress.Pro to see how NYSORA SIMULATORS™ optimize ultrasound education.

Wrist Block Ultrasound Simulator

Facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition to recognize ulnar and radial arteries and perform ulnar and median nerve blocks.
Allows injection practice.
Teaches ultrasound anatomy pattern recognition and needle-eye coordination for safe block performance.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Radius, and ulna; Radial and ulnar arteries; Median and ulnar nerves; Palmaris longus; Deep and superficial muscles of the forearm.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Ulnar head; Radius; Palmar crease; Tendons of wrist flexors; Thenar ligament; Hypothenar ligament.

How to Use: Wrist Block Simulator

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Open Breast / Infraclavicular Visual Anatomy Simulator

Learn the anatomy of the breast and tissue layers of importance in breast surgery and local anesthetic infiltration techniques.

INTERNAL LANDMARKS: Pectoralis major and minor muscles; Serratus muscles; Axillary artery Axillary vein; Cords of the brachial plexus; Clavicle; Coracoid process; Ribs 1-4.
EXTERNAL LANDMARKS: Breast anatomy; Sternocleidomastoid muscle.

How to Use: Open Breast / Infraclavicular Visual Anatomy Simulator

Visit MedXPress.Pro to see how NYSORA SIMULATORS™ optimize ultrasound education.